* In English after the photos
**There are texts between the photos
8. peatükk
Tänaseks oli meil broneeritud vaalavaatlus. Olime reipalt kell 9 kohal,
kuid siis öeldi, et on retk tühistatud, liiga tugev tuul. Tegime plaani ümber
ja sõitsime Lagoa do Fogo juurde.
Lagoa do Fogo on vulkaanikraater, millest on tekkinud saare suurim ja
kõrgeimal asuv veekogu. Järv on üsna keset saart. Wiki andmetel on järv ka noorim kraater, mis
on tekkinud u 15 000 aastat tagasi.
Ilm on saarel väga vaheldusrikas, isegi muutlikum kui Eestis. Ponta
Delgadas oli ilm päikeseline ja palav juba kell 9 hommikul, kuid tõustes järve
juurde sõites aina kõrgemale ja kõrgemale, olime äkki paksu halli pilve sees ja
midagi ei näinud enam. Natuke õudne oli sõita, sest sirgelt kulgevaid teid ju
seal pole, kõik on kurvilised nagu lahtiselt vedelev lõng.
Üks miradouro, kust avanes imeilus vaade järvele, oli meie jõudmise
hetkel vaid teooria staatuses. Kuid kuna oli väga vali tuul, siis sai teooriast
tasapisi reaalsus ja järv oli tõepoolest seal all. Läbi paksu udumassiivi
tundus ta kummituslik. Meenutas mulle Musta järve Harry Potterist.
Valgus muutus iga paarikümne sekundi pärast. Esimest korda kogu aja jooksul
tundsin, et veidi vilu on ja tahaks soojemaid riideid. Õnneks olime kõik hästi
varustatud ja autos olid alati joped, tossud ja lisariided. Väike portatiivne
garderoob pagasnikus :)
Järve juurde laskus ka rada, järskude astmetega veidi mudane teerada. Pärast
eelmise päeva matka oli see vaid korraks nuusata. Aga – vaade on petlik. Kõik,
mis pealtnäha lihtne, ei ole seda tingimata mitte ja ka vastupidi. Rada lookles ja keerutas,
kruttis ja laskus serpentiinis ja muudmoodi kõveriti, nii et natuke kulus ikka
aega, enne kui alla sai.
All järve ääres istudes ja kerget einet võttes kuulsin jälle seda
iseäralikku soristavat häält, mis tundus mingi linnu oma olevat, kuigi natuke
erinev sellest, keda roostikus olin kuulnud. Omanik jäi nähtamatuks.
Tagasi sõitsime ikka jälle mingi teist teed ja sattusime Ribeira Grandesse.
Natuke hulkusime linna peal ka, sattusime ühte imelisse keraamikakotta, kus koha peal
valmistati kõikvõimalikke nõusid. Avastasin, et mulle siiski mõnikord keraamika meeldib ja ma pidin sealt omale ühe kausi
hankima, mõeldes kahetsusega, et suuremat ei vea lihtsalt koju ära.
Ribeira Grandes on Santa Barbara nimeline
kuulus surfirand ja me saime lõpuks ookeanile nii lähedale, et sai vee ka ära
katsuda. Õigem oleks öelda, et vesi katsus meid, kui ta lihtsalt üle uhtus. See oli soe. Lisaks jopedele ja tossudele olid autos alati ka ujumisriided ja
rätikud ;)
Kuulmiseni järgmisel pühapäeval, aga võib juhtuda, et kolmapäeval ilmub filmiblogisse uus mustvalge seeria :)
Eelmisel kolmapäeval üks juba ilmus.
Eelmisel kolmapäeval üks juba ilmus.
Aga võib ka juhtuda, et kolmapäevane postitus viib hoopis linnuriiki ;)
Vaalade plakat | Just the poster
Lagoa do Fogo kummituslik ilmumine
The silvery appearance of Lagoa do Fogo
Meie olime selle halli sees (: |
We were inside the dark side
Lagoa da Fogo
Impressionistlik peiduline matkarada |
The impressionistic and hiding trail
Näide minust ja mu igapäevasest koormast :)
Example of me with my stuff :)
Lagoa da Fogo
Tipu vallutamine :D |
Conquering the top
Kermaamikakoda | Ceramic workshop
Ribeira Grande
Ookean! |
Loomulikult on saare kõik rannad musta liivaga |
Of course all the beaches on the island is with black sand
Üks õnnetu hiireviu arvas, et teeb otsetee,
kui lendab üle ranna, kuid roosatiir
sai ta ikka kätte.
One unlucky buzzard thought it can take
a shortcut but the
tern thought differently
Rannas siblisid ka leeterüdid,
süües inimsilmale nähtamatut toitu
There were also Sanderlings on the beach,
eating something
invisible to mu eyes.
Calidris alba
Atlandi ookeanis!
In the Atlantic ocean!
In the Atlantic ocean!
Chapter 8
Lagoa do Fogo
Today we did planned a whale watching but arriving at 9 am
at the harbor office it was cancelled because of the wind. We had to make plan
b – and that was to go see the Fogo lake – Lagoa do Fogo.
It is a volcano crater and therefore it is the highest body
of water on Sao Miguel. It is located almost in the middle of the island. Wiki
says it is the youngest crater, born about 15 000 years ago.
The weather is at the best of times very variable. In every
10 min you may have something else, specially in the mountains. It is even more
variable than in Estonia :D In Ponta Delgada where we started it was sunny and
warm but the higher we got the more gloomy it got. We were inside of a huge
dark gray cloud. It was a bit spooky to drive because the visibility was extremely
low and there are no straight roads. It was difficult to see where we must go,
the road was like a loos ball of yarn.
We stopped on a miradouro to see the first view to the lake
but the lake was nowhere to be seen :D
And this was the first time I needed my jacket and all the
other clothes I had with me. The wind blew fast and the lake was there – it reminded
me the Black lake from Harry Potter. The light changed in every 10 sec and the
lake seemed eerie.
So we drove on and found the parking place. There was again
descending road down to the lake but after last days hiking tour it seemed simple
(and for the record – I didn’t have any hurt spot on my entire body. No ill
muscles nor tired legs or bac etc.)
The narrow descent was not that easy but we made it happily
down. Sitting there on the rocks I heard a strange voice, like a night jar or
something but I didn’t see anyone. It was a stereo sound. I thought it was a
bird, but who knows?
On our way back to Ponta Delgada, we stopped in Ribeira
Grande. There we found a ceramic shop and it was full of beautiful local
crafts. I felt I like ceramics after all :D And of course I had to have some,
unfortunately I couldn’t get the big one I wanted so I got a small one instead (:
In Ribeira Grande there is a famous surfing beach Santa Barbara and finally we got to get so close to the ocean that we actually all got wet. It would be more precice to say that the ocean touched us because it just floated all over us.
You can’t really swim but you can
let the wave wash over you. The waves were truly powerful and one have to be
careful because it can take you with it. There were “baywatch” also on the
beach, controlling and keeping eye on things.
We did have our bathing suits with us, as well jackets,
shorts, hiking boots … we had all.
See you next Sunday!
But maybe another black and white series is coming on Wednesday on my analog blog :)
Last Wednesday I posted first bnw series - go and see for youself!
But it may be that next Wednesday is all about birds ;)
But it may be that next Wednesday is all about birds ;)
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