Sunday, February 9, 2020

5. peatükk | Chapter 5

*In English after the photos
** There is text between the photos

5. peatükk

Tormi riismed kogetud-vaadatud, otsustasime sõita Furnasesse. Kui mu mälu peab ajale vastu, siis jääb Furnasega mulle meelde sealne poolmetsik park Terra Nostra, sooja kollase veega ujumisbassein, käsitöökommipood ja hiina söögikoht. 

Furnase järve tekkimise kohta on Assoori folklooris üks lugu, mida ma aga ümber jutustama ei hakka, sest seda on palju parem ise lugeda SIIT.

Park Terra Nostra on aiaga piiratud ala, kuhu tuleb osta pilet – 8 eur nägu.
Park asutati u 1775. aastal Thomas Hicklingu poolt, kes US konsulina
Sao Miguelil töötades ehitas oma suvevilla just sinna. Algne hoone oli lihtne puumaja. Ta olevat selle ümbritsenud oma kodukandi (Põhja-Ameerika) puude ja taimedega, kuid neid polevat ühtegi enam alles.

1848. aastal olid kohal uued omanikud – vikont Praia ehitas maja, mis seal praegugi on – Casa de Parque.

Otsustasime kõigepealt teha pargis tiiru, enne kui vanni läheme. See kollase veega bassein oli kohe alguses ja sealt õhkas sooja. Ilmselt sattusime taas õigel ajal ja õige ilmaga, sest natukene tibutas aeg-ajalt vihma ja inimesi oli pigem vähe, kohalikus mõistes. Me arvasime algul, et see on väävlist tingitud kollane värvus, aga mitte mingisugust lõhna ei tulnud. Hiljem saime teada, et tegemist on rauasoolade ja mingite minerallidega ja see on looduslik. Nüüd me saime aru, miks majaperenaine meile ütles, et kui te sinna ujuma lähete, ärge igaks juhuks pead vee alla kastke, et olete pärast kõik kollased :)

Esimese asjana suutsin seal ajada ühe tillukese kuke tigedaks. Ta karjatas oma kanakarja põõsastes, tahtsin neilegi tere öelda, aga vot kus läks tuuri! Tegin kähku minekut. Tundub, et kanade keel on universaalne :)

Ujumisest kollases basseinis: see oli kapitaalne ettevõtmine. Riietusruumis sai vahetada riided ujumisriiete vastu ja tatsata siis basseini äärde. Õnneks olid seal väikesed varjualused nagid, sest vihma tuli jälle. See vesi on tõesti kollane ja jätab sellise korraliku kihi igale poole, kuhu ta puutub. Ootasin oma riietusruumi järjekorda jupp aega, selgitades suurtele ameerika kodanikele, et jah, siin on tõesti järjekord ja kord ise seal ruumis, avastasin, et olin hämaras toas kohvrist kaasa haaranud kaks ülemist osa ujumisriietest. Hmm.. aga kus on siis püksid? Ei olnudki. Läksin tagasi basseini äärde, et vaadata siis vähemalt, kuidas teised seal sulistavad. Ega see väga ahvatlev mulle ka polnud, kui aus olla, aga natuke tahtsin ära proovida küll. Siis tuli mõte – mul olid jalas mu ainsad lühikesed püksid, aga kaasas olid ka pikad püksid. Läksin jälle riietusruumi sappa ja vahetasin seal siis omale ägeda kostüümi – ujumisriiete ülemine osa ja puuvillased lühikesed püksid :P 
See tunne, kuidas ma nendega laskusin sooja, 38-kraadisesse kollasesse vedelikku, jäägu igaühe oma kujutlusvõimete jaoks :D Vesi oli täpipealt mulle lõuani, kui olin kikivarvul ja loomulikult õnnestus mul seda silma pritsida. Pole vist asja, mis mulle silma ei läheks. 

Siis – täiesti lambist – triivisid kaks tuliparti mu nina eest mööda! Peaaegu oleksin tormanud kaamera järele, aga sest poleks mingit tolku olnud, nii et see vaimustav kaader jääb mulle mällu. 
Pargis elas üldse igasuguseid põnevaid linde ja linnukesi, aga nendest (st lindudest) tuleb eraldi peatükk ja ma siinkohal pikemalt ei peatu. 

Tagasiteel läksime läbi ka Cha Gorreana teeistandusest.

See oli väga mõnus koht. Nägime ära suured masinavärgid, millega seal toimetatakse ning kõik see värk lõhnas mõnusalt tee järele. 

Maja ees sissepääsu ligi põõnutasid kaks päevavargast kassi ja täpselt samamoodi olid nad ka siis, kui välja tulime. 

Õhtul panime kollased riided pessu. Meie toa vannituba sisaldas ühte s-kujulist radiaatorit, kuhu ma siis riided kuivama sättisin, ning iga poole tunni järel neid keeramas käisin, sest järgmisel päeval läks ka pükse vaja. Seal lihtsalt asjad ei kuiva!

Siinkohal paus ja kuulmiseni järgmisel pühapäeval!

Kahurvägi | Heavy stuff

Sõbrad – kuniks perenaine toas oli, oli koerake nagu kreemikook
Kui perenaine välja tuli – sai kreemikoogist berserk

Friends – like cream-cake
Until the master came out, 
the little cream-dog went berserk

Kukk, kelle ma vihale ajasin. Õigem oleks öelda kukeke |

The rooster who went mad at me 

Kollane bassein  |  The yellow pool

Puusõnajalad on ägedad!  |  

Cyathea cooperi are cool! 

Näide pargi "mahlakusest" ja metsikust võlust  |

Just an example of the "juiciness" of the park 


Väiksed karpkalad  |  Little carps

Ristpart tuttav nägu  |

Familiar face of the shelduck
Tadorna tadorna 

Hallhani ka tuttav  |

Grey goose is also familiar
Anser anser 

Üks uus nägu ka – punanokk-vilepart  |

But this is a new face Black-bellied Whistling-duck 
Dendrocygna autumnalis

Belladonnad  |  Belladonnas

Tulipart, keda kord kohtasi ka Pirita tee ääres  |

Ruddy Shelduck. I once saw a few of them in Tallinn
Tadorna ferruginea 

Ühte isendit oli au kord ka Tallinnas,
 Mustamäe tiigil kohata |

These are the mandarin ducks, and I saw one once in Tallinn also
Aix galericulata

Madeira metsvint  |

The Madeiran chaffinch
Fringilla coelebs maderensis 

Jõgivästrik lillal lootosel  |

The Gray Wagtail on purple lotus flower
Motacilla cinereal 

Pole päris kindel, aga vb on ka see krüptomeeria  |

I’m not entirely sure but I think this is also a cryptomeria 

Üks igivana puu pargi sissepääsu kõrval, 
aga vanust öeldud ei olnud – 
puu ise on Metrosideros robusta  | 

One very-very ancient tree a the entrance 
Unfortunately there was no sign how old it is but 
the tree itself is Metrosideros robusta  

Cha Gorreana tee tehase üks masinavärk  |

Cha Gorreana tea plantation 

Päevavaraste magus uni  |  

 Sweet dreams of the two loafers

Chapter 5

After seeing and feeling the ending storm we decided to go to Furnas. If my memory is time-proof I will always remember 5 things – the exciting Parque Terra Nostra, the yellow and warm iron basin and cotton shorts, the little café where we got hand-made chocolate truffles and Chinese restaurant.

There is a story about the Furnas lake but I’m not going to write it over, it is much better to read HERE.

Parque Terra Nostra is an excellent park, it is rounded with the fence and one must get a ticket (8€) to get inside but there is a lot to discover while you are inside. It was founded in 1775 by Thomas Hickling, who was the US consul in Sao Miguel, and he built his summer house right there. He planted all his home land trees and bushes around the house (North-America) but now there is none left.

1848 the new owners came – a vicomte Praia built the house that is there at the moment – Casa de Parque. 

First we decided to take a walking tour in the park, before swimming in the yellow natural mineral pool. The basin is very close to the entrance and it releases heat and warmth, but no smell. We probably were there with the right weather, it was a bit raining from time to time and it wasn’t crowded. With the first look to the yellow water and it was clear why our landlady said that “maybe it is not a very good idea to put your head under the water… well... it makes everything yellow.”

The first bird I saw was a rooster. A small one, and I felt immense temptation to say hello to him in chicken’s language. I think I was very polite (although I never understand what I say :D ) but he! – he was furious and tried to attack me! :D I ran. Seems the chicken language is an universal language. 

The park itself is very nice. Green and juicy. Lots of lots of different plants and bushes. Lots of birds as well. 

About swimming in the yellow water: that was a very thorough operation. In the locker room we changed our clothes and then toddled to the pool. The path was slippery, muddy and yellow. We had to place all our stuff under a little umbrella, lucky it was there, because the rain was still there.

While waiting my changing turn I had to explain some American citizens that this is truly a line, and one must wait. 

Inside I made a grim discovery – because our bedroom was so dim, I hadn’t noticed that I had grabbed a half of my bathing suit :D and 2 of them! No swimming trunks! So I didn’t change and went back to the pool just to watch how others are in it. It wasn’t that tempting to me anyway. But something still wasn’t right – I was on the other side of the planet and I didn’t try this? Bzzz … I was wearing my cotton shorts – green – and I had my curtain trousers also in my bag as a spare (we always had everything with us, because you never know where you end up). Again I was waiting my turn to a locker room and then I was ready to go :D in my green shorts. Uhh… it was a bit nasty feeling – all yellow, all warm – about +38 Celcius and these cotton pants… it could be a different thing entirely.. if you get my drift ;) 

The liquid was exactly up to my chin when I was tiptoeing and I did that. Of course I managed to get some of it in to my eyes. 

I discovered that my skin was almost as brownish-yellow :D I could turn invisible!

And then – just like that – two ruddy shelducks were swimming right by me. Ah!, this is a memory photo. And a very good one too. 

On our way back we stopped in the Cha Gorreana teaplantation. This is a very nice place, you can see all the machines and there is a very nice smell of tea leaves. 

In front of the house there were 2 loafers :D They were exactly at the same position when we came out. 

In the evening we put all our yellow clothes in the washing machine and it was a bit tricky to dry them, as nothing really dries there, specially indoors. I had one S-shaped heater, and I turned the clothes every 30 minutes.

Here I pause - see you next Sunday!

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