Thursday, October 4, 2018

Meenutusi Pulast | From Pula

Pula - linn Aadria mere ääres Horvaatias. Pulasse tahtsin väga minna, Vana-Rooma huvilisena on seal minu jaoks üht-koma-teist just sellest ajast. Augustuse tempel, amfiteater (üks paremini säilinud), Heraklese värav ... Veel nipet-näpet. 
Pulas on põnev. Väikesed trepiga tänavad, mis viivad kuhugi künkale. Osad neist nii rohtu kasvanud, et ei tea, kas pääsebki läbi. Pulas kohtasin ka kasse, kuid kassid ma jätan praegu välja ;)
Pulas seigeldes unustasin tegelikult ära, et viibin Horvaatias, mitte nt Itaalias. Ja seda juhtus ka mõnes teises sealse piirkonna linnas - ehk Istria poolsaarel. 
Horvaatia on põnev ja mitmekesine maa, mida tasub külastada ilmselt mitu korda. 
Ning kuna me olime Pulas n-ö out of season, saime nautida inimtühja amfiteatrit, kuid ei saanud süüa pannkooke, sest kuigi menüüs olid nad üleval, saime vastuseks, et pole hooaeg! :) 
Hooajaväliselt on täitsa hea linnas luusida, kui on tõesti soov näha neid iidseid monumente. 


Pula - a city near Adrian Sea in Croatia. I wished to visit the city so much that it finally came true. As a "fan" of Ancient Rome there is a lot to see for me. The Temple of Augustus, the Arena (which is very well preserved), the Gate of Hercules and so on. 
Pula is interesting. Small streets with staircases and some of them are so.. wild that it is impossible to get through. I met lots of cats too in Pula but just now I will leave them out ;) I totally forgot which country I am, I could've been in Italy f.e, it is so .. Mediterranean. And Pula wasn't the only city like that in this region - the peninsula of Istria. 
Croatia has so many layers in nature, culture, food, the weather the attitude etc. It is worth visiting several times. 
Since we were there out of season we had the opportunity to enjoy the empty Arena but when we wanted pancakes they said that is is not the season yet! Although the pancakes were on the menu.  
If you want to see the monuments, the memories, it is good to go out of season.