Lotte tuleb sisse. Vaatab ringi, saba käib.
Lotte tuleb sisse. Vaatab ringi, saba käib.
Nii ütlemata tore on olla siin, olgugi, et ma siin varem
pole olnud. Stuudio on lahe. Inimesed siin on lahedad, täiesti võõrad ja vanad
sõbrad. Lõhnad on huvitavad.
Oo, põrand on saanud paika, nüüd võib minna lambivalgele
pikutama. Ei, istuma peab. Aga nii tahaks lamada.
"Lotte, siia! Istu, tubli koer" ja maius rändab
pakist välja Lotte keelele.
Oh, see otse sulab suus, Lotte maigutab mokki ja tahaks
veel. Aga, meenus Lottele praegu, ma oskan ju roomata! Alles hiljuti õppisin.
Ja see on nii vägev, et isegi kui öeldakse istu ja ma rooman, siis ma saan ikka
kommi. Sest roomamine on ülim. Ja ma rooman. Näitan neile, kuidas ma oskan
roomata. Ja maius tuleb. Saba hakkab justkui iseenesest põnts-põnts-põnts vastu
põrandat käima.
Varsti on kuulda sebimist ja paljude jalgade astumisi. Ohoo,
veel tuleb keegi! Oi, nüüd on tõesti tuttavad näod! Berta ja .. aga oh, mis
sina siin teed?Kes tõi Oswaldi kaasa?
Oswald, vöödiline majaperemees, tuleb stuudiosse. Ta on
rihma otsas. Oswald on tavaliselt boss ja kihutab Lotte minema, aga seekord on
temalgi võõras keskkond ja palju asju vajab tähelepanemist. Lotte jääb
Inimesed, koerad ja kass sebivad. Berta avastab, et stuudiotausta tagant saab ka läbi, see on vahva! Kahju, Lotte, et sa nii suur oled, et sinna ei mahu. Ja vaadake, et keegi teist ei lubaks Oswaldit siia!
Berta rõõmustab ja teeb ringe stuudios, ikka tausta tagant
Tükk tobedust, igavust ja ettevaatlikust toimub enamuse
ajast. Lambid sähvivad ja inimesed sätivad end küll ühte ja teist pidi.
Aeg-ajalt võetakse kampa ka Lotte, Berta ja Oswald. Oswald teeb haput nägu, ta
ei taha, et teda sülle võetakse ja ta annab sellest teada.
"Näuu!" Ta pannakse põrandale. Tegelikult tahaks
uksest välja minna ja teisi ruume ka avastada. Aga millegipärast on ta ketti
pandud. Et ta ei läheks uksest välja.
Nonii, Oswald jälgib mängu. Tundub, et inimesed on lavalt
lahkunud. Lõpuks ometi! Nüüd on siis see hetk, millest ma koguaeg olen teile
mõista andnud. Palun lahkuge lavalt ja laske mul siin särada! Lotte ja Berta
võivad ju hetkeks olla ka minu säras, aga üldiselt tahaksin olla mina. Ise.
Ainult mina ise. Selleks me ju siia tulime?
inimtegevusest siin -
inimtegevusest siin -
Ma oskan nüüd roomata / I know how to crawl
Ignoreeri neid / Just ignore them and they go away
Berta, palun lahku pildilt / Berta, please leave the picture
Läkski / And she did leave
vasakult alga: Oswald, Lotte, Berta
lava ja põrand seatakse paika / setting of the stage and the floor
Lotte comes in. Looking around, her tail is wagging.
It is so nice to be here, it doesn't matter I have never
been here before. People here are nice, totally strangers, yet my old friends.
Interesting scent here.
Oh, the floor is ready, now I can go and lay down. No, I
have to sit. But I would so like to lay down.
"Here, Lotte! Sit, good dog," and the sweet goes
from the package right to Lottes tongue.
Oh, its melting in my mouth.
Lotte would like to have some more. But, she just remembered, I can crawl now! I just learned it a few days ago. It is so awesome. Even when they say I must sit, I crawl instead and still get my sweet. Because crawling is above all. I'll show them how I do it and I will get my sweet.
Lotte would like to have some more. But, she just remembered, I can crawl now! I just learned it a few days ago. It is so awesome. Even when they say I must sit, I crawl instead and still get my sweet. Because crawling is above all. I'll show them how I do it and I will get my sweet.
Soon there are voices and lots of feet coming in. Oh,
visitors! And I know them! Welcome, welcome Berta and the others. But wait a
minute, what's he doing here? Who brought Oswald?
Oswald, the master of the house, walks proudly in. He is on
a leash. He is usually the boss and drive Lotte away but today there are too
many strange scents and voices to discover so he doesn't have the time and Lotte
is not noticed.
People, dogs and a cat are scurrying about. Berta discovers
the passage behind the studio background. She fits in and this is just great!
So sorry, Lotte, you cant fit in here. And be aware that no-one lets Oswald
Berta is happy and circles the studio.
A lot of silliness and boredom and stuff is going on most of
the time. Lamps are flashing and these humans just pose and pose. Every now and then,
Lotte, Berta and Oswald are called but Oswald is not so happy about it. He let
it know.
"Meow", and he is put back to the floor.
So, Oswald is observing the company. It seems that humans
have had enough. Finally! Now is the moment for me, the moment I so desperately
have wished all evening. Please leave the stage and let me shine! Lotte and
Berta may be in my blaze for a picture of two, but generally I would like to be
on my own. Just me. Myself. Isn't that why we all are here for?
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