Jutu asemel seekord pildid ja pealkirjad.
No talk, just photos and headlines.
No talk, just photos and headlines.
hotellist välja ja üle tee
out of hotel and across the street
out of hotel and across the street
Leonardo da Vinci kuju, püstitatud 1872
the statue of Leonardo da Vinci, built in 1872
the statue of Leonardo da Vinci, built in 1872
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - arhitekt Giuseppe Mengoni
Milano katedraal
Milan cathedral
Milan cathedral
San Bartolomeo kuju Milano katedraalis
the statue of San Bartolomeo in Milan cathedral
the statue of San Bartolomeo in Milan cathedral
katedraali sisevaade nagu Moria kaevanduses
inside says: "Welcome to the mines of Moria"
inside says: "Welcome to the mines of Moria"
oli ka teistsuguseid sambaid
there were all kinds of pillars
there were all kinds of pillars
Vittorio Emanuele II - monument toomkiriku ees
Teatro alla Scala - üle 2000 istekoha, Euroopa suurim teater.
avamine toimus 1778. aasta 3. augustil,
ehituse sponsor oli suuresti keisrinna Maria Theresa
La Scala, the biggest theatre in Europe with over 2000 seats.
The theatre was inaugurated on 3 August 1778 and was originally known as the New Royal-Ducal Theatre alla Scala.
La Scala, the biggest theatre in Europe with over 2000 seats.
The theatre was inaugurated on 3 August 1778 and was originally known as the New Royal-Ducal Theatre alla Scala.
triumfikaar - Arco della Pace ehk rahukaar
triumphal arch of Milan - Arch of Peace