*In English after the photos
There are text also between the photos
3. peatükk
II päev
Sete Cidades
*Fotode vahel on ka teksti
Järjekordselt imeilus hommik. Kolm kaeluspapakoid kihutas hüüatades üle õue.
Tänane plaan oli ära näha Sete Cidades'e kraatrid saare ühes servas. Sinna sõit oli mägine ja
tee kruttis ja keerutas, nii et see üsna lühike maa, mõnikümmend km võttis tund
või enamgi. Mida kõrgemale sõitsime, seda udusemaks ja hallimaks läks. Päike
jäi alla rannikule. Isegi oli tunne, et hakkab päriselt sadama. Aga soe oli.
Kraatrite juurde kõndides sain natukene aimu krüptomeeriatest, mis saarel valdavalt kasvavad. Millised puud! Tõesti oli selline tunne, et kohe tuleb mõni eelajalooline sisalik kusagilt. See mets oleks nagu ajas seisma jäänud, vaid dinosaurused on asendunud inimestega. Sealses metsas oleksin veetnud terve päeva.
Kraatrite juurde kõndides sain natukene aimu krüptomeeriatest, mis saarel valdavalt kasvavad. Millised puud! Tõesti oli selline tunne, et kohe tuleb mõni eelajalooline sisalik kusagilt. See mets oleks nagu ajas seisma jäänud, vaid dinosaurused on asendunud inimestega. Sealses metsas oleksin veetnud terve päeva.
Ka seal, selle kõige populaarsemal vaatamisväärsuse rajal oli õnn, et me
polnud tipphooajal kohal, sest muidu poleks me ilmselt rajale mahtunud. Meiega
koos oli ehk mõnikümmend inimest, kuid seegi osutus kaheks suuremaks
varsti lahkuvaks seltskonnaks, nii et üle serva nägi ja inimvabu pilte oli võimalik teha.
Roheline ja sinine järv olid oma parimais meie ees.
On üks lugu, mida saab jutustada mitut moodi, mina toon selle siia lühendatult, kuid selle leiab üles ka siit.
Aga ...
... kord elas üks imekaunis printsess Antilia, kel olid taevasinised
silmad. Ta oli väga õrn, tundlik ning lahke ja ta armastas väga ümbritsevat loodust. Aga tema isa ei lubanud teda lossimüüridest välja.
Vahel, kui isa magas, põgenes ta kuninga kivimüüride vahelt, et rännata läbi Sao Migueli roheliste väljade.
Ühel sellisel rännakul kohtas ta üht rohesilmset lambakarjust ning nad
Lugu jõudis ka kuninga kõrvu, kel olid tütre abiellumise osas
hoopis teised plaanid ning ta keelas tütrel suhtluse karjusega. Kui nad
viimast korda kohtusid, nutsid nad teineteisele kurbi pisaraid ning
nendest pisaratest tekkisid kaks järve - printsessi pisaraist sai
sinine, karjuse pisaraist sai roheline järv.
Siis äkki tuli udu. Paks, vesihall ja raske. Udu liikus tohutu kiirusega,
mattes enda alla kraatrid ja inimesed. Tagasi metsarajal oli tunne, nagu oleksime
muust maailmast eraldatud ja seltskond näljaseid raptoreid jälgib meid inimpilgule läbitungimatust metsamassiivist.
Samal päeval oli antud ka saarele tormihoiatus, mõtlesime, et kas juba
tuleb. Kuid alla sõites ja kohalikku Sete Citades’i linnakesse minnes oli seal
jälle päike ja ilus.
Cete Sitades tähendab tõlkes Seitse Linna, see nimetus võib pärineda lausa foiniiklaste käest. Suures kraatris on seitse väiksemat kraatrit ning see arvati kunagi tähistavad kadunud Atlantist.
Lisa saab lugeda ka Wikipediast.
Ookeanivett pole ikka veel katsuda saanud. Meil oli lootust, kui peatusime
looduslike basseinide ääres. See kujutas endast teravate laavakividega platood,
kus olid varjulisemad sopid ja seal sai siis ujumas käia, kuid me vaid
vaatlesime olukorda. Sinna olid lausa paigaldatud redelid, mida mööda alla ronida,
sest vesi oli sügav. Inimesi oli seal ka üksjagu. Meie sinna ronida ei
Äkki nägin tumedal laavakivil erkpunast krabi. Oli seal, täiesti liikumatu. Võtsin kohe hiilimispositsiooni
sisse, sest teadsin, et nad on arad ja ettevaatlikud loomad. Tegin muudkui
pilti ja lähenesin ning siis avastasin, et ta on mitte elus isend :D Sain oma
esimese krabitüssu!
Nii et tänaseks kõik, koju ja õhtut veetma. Oli plaan kodus süüa teha.
Kirjutamiseni järgmisel pühapäeval!
Tundmatud õitsvad puu ladvad | Anonymous flowers
Vaade saare rannikule | A view to the coast
Üles | Up
Alla | And down
Krüptomeeria metsas, kus oleks tahtnud veeta terve päeva |
Cryptomeria forest – I would’ve wanted to be there the whole
Kraatrid – üks põhilistest vaatamisväärsustest Sao Miguelil |
Craters – Sete Cidades – one of the main sightseeing in Sao
Sinine ja roheline järv meie ees |
Miradouro da grota do Inferno – Sete Citades |
Miradouro da grota do Inferno – Sete Citades |
The blue lake and the green lake
Krüptomeeria mets | Cryptomeria forest
Lapitekk | A patchwork
Üks kahtlane kaabel - valguskaabel? |
One dubious (light?) cable
Järsku tuli udu ja mattis enda alla kraatrid ja muu |
Suddenly there was a fog and covered all up. No humans, no craters
Metsas | In the forest
Maastik maja ja lehmadega |
Landscape with a house and cows
Sete Cidades'e majake |
A house in Sete Cidades
Belladonnad | Belladonnas
Uudishimu | Curiosity
Kaks koera ja kass. Nendega oli tore lugu.
Meie pildistasime loomi, omanik filmis meid ja tegi samal ajal
videokõne kellegagi, et näidata, kuidas me tema loomi pildistame :D
Kass oli muidugi ülitore ja sõbralik |
Meie pildistasime loomi, omanik filmis meid ja tegi samal ajal
videokõne kellegagi, et näidata, kuidas me tema loomi pildistame :D
Kass oli muidugi ülitore ja sõbralik |
Two dogs and a cat. It was a funny story –
we took pictures
and videos from the animals while the owner
took a live video from us and talked to someone at the phone :D
The cat was so friendly and nice
took a live video from us and talked to someone at the phone :D
The cat was so friendly and nice
Looduslike basseinide juures,
kuhu ujuma me ei läinud ja kus läksin krabiõnge |
kuhu ujuma me ei läinud ja kus läksin krabiõnge |
Natural ocean basins where we didn’t go for a swim and
where I got my first deceit by crab
where I got my first deceit by crab
Chapter 3
A day at Sete Cidades
A day at Sete Cidades
Another gorgeous morning. Three rose-ringed
parakeet were flying above my head like trhee green rockets calling almost like “I’m flyiiiing!”
Today’s plan was to visit one of the most
popular sightseeing in Sao Miguel – the craters of Sete Cidades. The ride was
short in km-s but long in hours, because of the mountainous landscape.
The road curved and curved, up and up we went. The higher we got the more misty it became and the sun was gone. It was almost raining fog. But it was warm. We walked to the craters after we parked our car and I got a bit of a taste of the cryptomeria forest. Magnificent trees! Moisty, dim, foggy… only dinosaurs were missing. This forest looked like the time has stopped in it. I would love to be there the whole day.
The road curved and curved, up and up we went. The higher we got the more misty it became and the sun was gone. It was almost raining fog. But it was warm. We walked to the craters after we parked our car and I got a bit of a taste of the cryptomeria forest. Magnificent trees! Moisty, dim, foggy… only dinosaurs were missing. This forest looked like the time has stopped in it. I would love to be there the whole day.
Even there – the most popular hiking track we
were lucky for there was not that many people. Otherwise we wouldn’t probably had
enough room to walk. We actually saw an empty track for a moment and empty
view. It was enjoyable. It was sunny there.
The blue and the green lake were in their best. There is this story, it is told many ways, but ...
... long time ago in the parish of the Seven Cities lived
a beautiful princess Antilia who had bright blue eyes. Delicate and kind, she had a
unique passion for nature around her. Her father didn't allow her to leave from the city walls but sometimes, when the king was asleep, she she ran away from the cold walls
of the kingdom to travel through the green fields of São Miguel island.
In one of these escapes, she met a humble green-eyer shepherd who guarded his flock. They fell in love.
In one of these escapes, she met a humble green-eyer shepherd who guarded his flock. They fell in love.
The news reached the king who wanted to see his daughter married to a
prince of a neighboring kingdom. Therefore he forbade the princess to
continue the relationship with the sheperd.
The princess and the sheperd met in secret one last time and cried together for their sad fates. It was their tears that filled the valley, the blue lake reflects the color of the princess's eyes and the green color of the shepherd's eyes.
The princess and the sheperd met in secret one last time and cried together for their sad fates. It was their tears that filled the valley, the blue lake reflects the color of the princess's eyes and the green color of the shepherd's eyes.
The tears of this sad separation formed two lagoons that continue together to this very day.
It is the short way telling the sad and dramatic love story. You can read more here.
And then the fog came. Out of nowhere it was
suddenly there, moving fast and covering it all up. Back in the forest track we
felt like we were cut of the rest of the world. I had again the sudden feelint that a punch of hungry raptors were watching us :)
Early that day the warning of the approaching
storm were given, we almost thought that this is it, it is here, but it was not
the storm. Not yet.
We visited also a little local town Sete Cidades
and there it was all sunny.
Sete Cidades means The Island of the Seven Cities and it is believed to be the lost island of Antillis.
Sete Cidades means The Island of the Seven Cities and it is believed to be the lost island of Antillis.
Still the ocean is unreachable. We had hope,
we stopped to see some natural basins filled with ocean water, it was a popular
swimming place. There was no beach as we know it, it was all on hard, slippery,
and warm lava rock. There was lots of people there too so we just observed for
a while.
There I saw a crab. My senses were sharp and cautious,
I know they are very shy creatures and I moved slowly closer and closed, taking
photos during my sneak. But it still wasn’t moving. Why? It was dead, that’s why.
It was my first deceit by a crab :D
We called it in for today and drove home, we
planned to make a fine dinner at home.
See you next Sunday!